
So Sacred This Piece

Echoes through and through,
the steps into time still dry,
as the eye of a man without guilt
wandering the streets to die.
With the thoughts of whose saving
me and you once again
from the pain and the sorrows
and the endless sin.
Jumping through hoops ,
time after time,
not seeing the end,
to life's pointless rhyme.
The cares to us be,
so important it seems,
that what we see as needed,
is not what time deems.
For we trudge through the shadows,
that we make for ourselves,
picking up our dream pieces,
and putting onto shelves.
There they stay to collect,
like unwanted dust,
because we give them to no one,
no one can we trust.
You see, we don't know,
that the hardest part.
is not getting what we want
But is the giving of our heart.
So sacred this piece,
that is kept in our chest.
Locked away so strong,
away from the rest,
of the people we see,
and meet on the street,
lost and locked up tight,
with their hearts bruised and beat.
If we cant pull open,
our chest that contains,
the beat of our dream,
or what barely remains,
and give to the one,
that can make it all true;
we'll never get away.
We'll never pull through.
For it is not on our own
that our futures not grim.
But to sacrifice our wants,
To take off and follow him
Keeper of my dreams.
Lover of my heart.
I'll give you my life,
just show me where to start...

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I've been thinking lately of the stagnant place in my life that I'm in right now. Not a bad stagnant as in mentally or physically, but in the bigger picture of human lives and the points in life that seem to matter the most.

What I am trying to get at is, that depending on your age, there is usually a point in time we look forward to; such as becoming a teenager or being able to drive. So here is the list of big moments to shoot for.

1-10--Every birthday is an important one
13----You're finally a teenager
14----You get your drivers permit - Enter high school give or take a year - Get a Job
16----Full fledged license - Get a Passport - Join the Millitary
17----R-Rated Movies - Apply for a Pilots license - Buy Firearms
18----Vote - Buy Tobacco - Buy Fireworks - Apply for a Credit Card - Tattoos - Jury Duty - Marriage without consent - Enter Gentleman Clubs - Leave Home without consent
21----Buy and Drink Alcohol - Adopt a child - Play the Lottery

Some of the things listed are dependent upon the state which you live

So as it appears, 21 is the final checkpoint before not much else happens. There aren't really anythings that separate one age to the next. Things start to meld together and not offer any reason to want to age past 21. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing like finally gaining the ability to do something that you couldn't otherwise do at an earlier age. I still remember hitting 21 and going to the local gas station to buy Smirnoff the very night I hit that 21 year old checkpoint. I proudly pulled the alcohol from the cooler and put it and my I.D. on the counter. I had no deep desire to drink, in fact, it was the middle of the week and I had work the next day, so I wasn't about to get drunk.

The point is, I didn't do it because I needed to or had to, but because I could. The divider that was preventing me from being able to do something, was seen as a moment to conquer. A chance to do something simply because there was no one that could stop me anymore. It felt like right of passage. In the bigger scheme of things, a life with Christ can feel the same way.

When starting off on our spiritual journey, it is nothing but checkpoints. One after another learning about different aspects of the Bible and then applying them to our lives. Growing and gaining understanding of new principles and seeing them work in our lives or with other people. From there we learn that we need to tell others about it and help people start their own journeys. Then, just like hitting 21, there stops being any purpose to doing what we have been doing. The checkpoints disappear under the guise of something we've conquered and now what is there?

When is the last time you really felt special driving your car or buying a beer?? Well why would you?? Where is the joy in the simplistic act of doing, just because you can?? We can't forget that checkpoints are not about the completing, just for the sake of moving on to the next one; Rather a point in history to look back and remember how they made you feel and what they accomplished. Get in your car and grip the wheel as if this is your first drive on your own. Buy a lottery ticket just because you have a couple extra bucks in your pocket and remember the thrill of the chance. Read a verse in your Bible like you never have before and apply to your life with the child like faith you once had. Tell your coworker about Christ in your life and who Christ would be in his or hers just so you could experience the great joy there is in giving someone a life worth living.

Just like you use to, just because you could.

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Turning Point

Everyone has one thing in common and that, is purpose. Most of everything that we do in our lives comes from a purpose or a drive deep within us and I guess you could say, finding my life’s purpose turned me around. My story is not a heroic turn from evil, it's not a story of demise turned to glory, but a chapter devoted to what my turning point did to my life and its decisions.

It wasn’t long ago, that the thought of a greater power was in my thoughts at every ‘choice’ intersection. With a common feeling of powerlessness, I looked up for answers and comfort through life’s struggles. I was hoping for a feeling from above that would allow me to take some control over my life; by giving it to someone that could handle it. A God of such reputation and supremacy, that I previously knew from others and from stories out of a leather bound book, was the only response I got, which, to be honest, didn't help me at all. Soon, I was letting go more and more to the pressure from above to turn it over to him. In each instance, I hung on as long as I could. So, with a sort of inward embarrassment, I surrendered total control in hopes he would deal with it better than I did. Although; It wasn't always so clean cut.

Not every situation led to perfect results, in fact, more often than not, they didn’t go the way I wanted them to at all; that’s just the way the world seems to work. As if to make those problems worse, questions arose. If anything can beat down a persons beliefs, it's questions. Faith would come and go with each new situation or question derived from it. Even though questions came up, the conclusion was always knowing that although it wasn’t a perfect solution, it helped me deal with my less than ideal finish. With this knowledge from every experience, I gained a pure awareness of how my world can be better, through “understanding and acceptance”. Acceptance seems like dodging the bullet when it comes to the tough questions, but I'm not saying to avoid questions; Rather, accept the fact that they will arise through struggles and will be answered in time. Far too often, people drop faith the instant a hard question shows up. Why can't we be OK with not knowing everything?? I realize now, that if I so choose to hand things over to the one that knows me better than myself, those questions will be answered. Some will take longer than others, but never the less, they will be answered.

I believe now, through all of my experiences, that there is someone factual and beyond doubt, existing more than most care to acknowledge. I can confidently press forward with the greatest turning point in my existence, to make the rest of my reality, just that; real. No problem, choice, decision, or struggle has to be any worse than I wish to let it. When all else fails, don’t forget to stop and look up, for the world you live in isn’t restricted to what you see in front of you.

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